
This is just a part of who I am. Thoughts hitting the wall and finding cracks to stick in. This is about a life moving around. A life in motion.

Friday, May 13, 2011

One down...

I was planning on writing yesterday, but I really wasn't able to. Not only was it a really full day, but I just was not fully there to write something cohesive. Yesterday the entire senior class presented their senior presentations. It was really nice to be able to get such a big presentation out of the way, and honestly, I couldn't have done it without God. It just got me thinking how all of us are still moving forward. Time isn't going to magically stop when I want it to, rather it will keep moving forward against my will. It scares me that soon all of us seniors are going to be scattered all around the world, doing different things, seeing different people, learning, growing, changing. I'm not the kind of guy who wants to dwell on the fact that the end is approaching, and get bummed out about it. I know that it is going to be hard when I go. And I know that tears are going to fall down my face when that time comes. The one thing that I can be sure of is the inevitability of the day coming when I shift from one stage of life to the next.

My presentation was something that really mattered to me, and as I was presenting my topic I realized something. My topic was on the Media, and how the church needs to embrace the changing times by utilizing the opportunities that are available today that weren't there before. I want to be a big part of this movement of men and women who are spreading the gospel, one click at a time. A question was raised as to how I was to get myself out there. The internet is amazing, and it really opens up so many chances to be heard. But I am just one voice in a sea of millions. Once again (as I seem to forget this paramount fact most easily), I remembered that i can do nothing apart from God's strength. I must remember to be constantly listening to the Holy Spirit, and His prompting of my life. I must look to Jesus as the ideal man that I must strive to become. And I must look to the Father for all my strength and wisdom and courage. I will not be able to get my name out there alone. I need God to work wonders and use me. Not me using Him to get my name out there. No. Him using me to get His name out to the millions who need His love.

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